The two most frequent conversation topics are the weather and sports. While we might want to discuss weightier subjects with others, we realize that the weather and sports are sufficiently interesting without being so controversial the discussion will lead to conflict. And so, we pass our lives sharing tidbits of information about weather patterns and games which at the moment seem important, but have little impact on what matters in life.
Reading through the various conversations of Jesus which are recorded in the Bible, the shocking thing one notices is how unafraid he was about bringing up issues that were highly contentious and which often did lead to extremely hot debates. Did Jesus just like to “stir the soup”? Probably not, as he frequently talked about the importance of peacemaking attitudes.
The conversations of Jesus give us a glimpse into his person. He saw his entire time on this earth as a mission to be completed. Unlike us, he did not live a compartmentalized life in which each aspect had little or nothing to do with the other. For Jesus, whether he was working, playing, resting or eating, he was all about getting people to know who he is. And, that makes sense. It surely would be a waste of time for God to become a human and not tell anyone what he was up to!
This Sunday we’re going to study a very mundane, routine encounter Jesus had with a woman at a well of water. It was a scene that would have been totally forgettable which instead changed the eternal destiny of a tragic human being. While Jesus talks to people in ways we never could, the exciting thing about what happened is that as we join Christ in what he is doing in the lives of other people, we can also have a part in these kind of life changing moments. What we say to people can matter forever. If you’re ready to go beyond the weather and sports in your conversations, join us this Sunday for our worship service.
Sunday Morning Worship: 10:00 am