How Much Am I Worth?

How Much Am I Worth?

Depending on who responds to that question, the answer can be quite humbling. In terms of minerals, the value of a human can be as little as $3.50 or as much as $550. If one would sell their organs, the value of their life would increase a great deal. On the other hand, the money wouldn’t be of much use without one’s organs! Of course, no one looks at the worth of one’s life from that point of view. 

On the other hand, even though the vast majority of people would never sell parts of their bodies for money, we are all very sensitive to not only our feeling of self-worth, but also what other people think about that subject. The cutting statement, “You are worthless,” can be devastating. The tragedy of the present moment in history is that many, many people feel as if their lives are worthless. Whether they have not experienced the successes they dreamed of or have been disappointed by other people, far too many are asking, “What’s the point of living when my life is worthless?” 

The problem is people are looking horizontally for worth when their view of things should be vertical. Jesus Christ always said that if a person seeks to find his/her worth in created things, it will be a dead end. We were made by God to find our value and purpose in Him, not in what he created. 

If you find yourself discouraged that you can’t live up to your own or other peoples’ expectations, maybe you need to look into what Jesus Christ thinks of you – and even more importantly, what he did for you. Someday all of us will fully understand the incredible worth of our lives. What is crucial is that we embrace that truth now, not on that “someday”. Join us for our Sunday morning worship. You owe it to yourself to find out just how much you are actually worth. 

Sunday Morning Worship – 10:00 am

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