The hugely popular book and movie series “Hunger Games” has all the elements of drama, intrigue and action. It appeals to our needs and cravings: the hunger for survival, the hunger for justice, the hunger for freedom, even the hunger for food. We are all hungry…all the time. We’re hungry for something.
Jesus took “Hunger Games” to a whole different level one day when a group of people asked him to give them some free food. He had contributed to the cause in a big way the day before and these folks wondered if he would be willing to repeat the act of kindness. Jesus was rather blunt in his response. He told these folks they were too caught up in satisfying the wrong kind of hunger. Instead of physical food, he told them they needed food that led to eternal life – food that only he could give. Not surprisingly, some of the people who were listening thought he was crazy. The rest of Jesus’ ministry, however, clearly demonstrated mental disorder was not the cause of such statements.
The resurrection of Jesus a year or so later confirmed what he said about eternal life. And that should lead us to reexamine what we are hungering for in our lives. Whether we’re wanting more peaceful circumstances or a significant promotion or respect from other people, we will only be satisfied partially and temporarily. God created us for himself. As long as he is not in the center of our lives, we’ll always feel something is missing.
Jesus Christ called himself the “Bread of Life”. If you’ve been struggling to meet the hungers in your life but continue to feel like you’re running on empty, join us this Sunday. The food Jesus offers will keep you filled – forever.
Sunday Morning Worship: 10:00 am