Whether we recognize it or not, we are being bombarded with the message that “happiness” is everything. Happiness can mean different things and take on many forms, but the common thread of everyone’s definition of happiness is, “I get what I want.” Even though that is a pretty selfish way of living, we’ve convinced ourselves that we deserve to get what we want most all of the time. And when we don’t, we reason, “All I want is to be happy. Is that so wrong?” It depends. But maybe a more important observation of our current definition of “happiness” is, it’s an addictive lifestyle. The more happiness we experience, the more we want, and we never are satisfied. Have you ever heard anyone say, “I don’t think I need any more happiness in my life”? The end result of our pursuit of happiness is all too often destructive and disastrous.
While some use the words joy and happiness interchangeably, they are very different, especially from the Christian point of view. Joy is God-centered. And that means it is always good for us. Rather than enslaving us, like self-centered happiness, joy frees us to become the people God created and saved us to be. The joy Jesus Christ offers people is not destructive or disastrous, but rather builds up and brings wholeness to peoples’ lives.
Our sermon series for the next several weeks is: “The Prayer List God Always Answers with ‘Yes’ ”. This Sunday we’re going to be looking at why God so very much wants to give us his joy. Think about joining us. Joy really does beat happiness – today and forever.
Sunday Morning Worship: 10:00 am