The Gentle God Enters an Angry World

The Gentle God Enters an Angry World

It was one of the strangest voicemail messages I’ve ever received. The young man shouted into the phone from the very beginning, yelling that our church had no right to send him an invitation to our Thanksgiving and Christmas services. He continued with an F-bomb laced tirade stating that he had no use for Christians or our God and that in his opinion it would be better if the earth be rid of us both. His concluding words were no less interesting. After stating emphatically that I must be an “idiot”, there was a short pause and then the parting words, “Have a good day!” 

If only this young man were an isolated case of anger. But the reality is that many of us are angry much of the time. The ongoing conflict at all levels of society is overwhelming evidence of this. We’re upset that life isn’t the way we think it should be and we’re going to let other people know, regardless of the consequences. 

The Christmas story is an ironic contrast to aggressive human animosity. In a quiet, isolated little town, God enters the world as a baby! The same world he created, and which blames him for all the suffering and pain we humans experience. How incredible! God’s solution for our violent and destructive anger begins through quiet gentleness! 

If you are tired of anger stealing the joy and happiness from your daily life, join us for our Sunday morning worship service. The gentle God who entered our world at Christmas came to take away our misconstrued anger and replace it with his transforming gentleness. 

Sunday Morning Worship: 10:00 am

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