Too Much!

Too Much!

For all of history and currently in most of the world, the words “too much” do not describe the living conditions of most people. Much more accurate would be the phrase “not enough”! Americans are living in a unique time and place of history. Our greatest challenge is not that we are unable to meet our daily physical necessities. Instead, we are struggling mightily with exaggerated excess. 

Too much food and drink. Too much screen time. Too much entertainment. Too much sex. Too much technology. All the many things we enjoy in life are blessings from God. The problem begins when we use those blessings on our terms, rather than his. The result being: we try to find in God’s blessings only what God himself can give. The result is often self-destruction. 

A man who lived three thousand years ago named Solomon had much the same problem we Americans have today. He left a book with the title Ecclesiastes describing what happened throughout his “too much” life. It isn’t what you would call a happy book, but it most definitely speaks to the life we are living in 2024. 

If you sense you’re unintentionally sliding down a “too much” life path, join us for our Sunday morning worship service. When Jesus is at the center of our lives, the sayings, “more is less” and “less is more” take on a life changing meaning.       

Sunday Morning Worship – 10:00 am

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