DIYer – “do-it-yourselfer” – a person who carries out tasks such as decorating and household repairs themselves rather than employing a professional.
Besides needing the boldness and courage to take on projects they’ve often never attempted before, an important characteristic of a DIYer is to know when they don’t have the skills to complete a project and call in the pro. There are countless stories of DIYers getting in over their heads with some kind of repair which ended up creating huge headaches and costing thousands of dollars in unexpected expenses. The humility of knowing one’s limits is crucial to the successful DIYer.
When it comes to our relationship with God, all of us are amateur DIYers who have deceived ourselves into thinking we’re professionals. Ask people why they believe they are going to heaven and the most common answer given is, “I think I’ve been a good person.” That response might sound good to the individual, but it doesn’t reflect reality. God is so far beyond our understanding and comprehension that it is laughable to think we can give him something that he needs. But that is the DIYer attitude: “I do good things for God, and he lets me into heaven.”
Jesus Christ had a conversation with an accomplished DIYer one night and his message to him was straightforward: “If you think you can manipulate and bargain with God, you’ve got it all wrong.” Instead, Jesus told the man that human beings need to come to God on his terms, not ours. It was a humbling and enlightening conversation for that man, and it continues to be for us. If you feel that God is an overbearing taskmaster who steals the happiness from your life because he is always threatening to send you to hell if you don’t do what he wants, join us this Sunday morning. While the realization that we can’t mold God into what we think he should be can be disturbing, the joy we receive from understanding who God actually is, what he has done for us and what he wants from us more than makes up for any disappointment we might have.
Sunday Morning Worship: 10:00 am