Will You Answer the Call?

Will You Answer the Call?

In the middle of his conversation with his neighbor the man’s phone began to ring. He let it ring several more times until the neighbor politely asked, “Are you going to answer?” Taking the phone out of his pocket he briefly glanced at the screen and said, “No, it’s no one I want to talk to right now.”


Caller ID has drastically changed the way we attend to phone calls. In the days when there was only one telephone in the household and it was located in the kitchen, people would sometimes fight over who would get to answer a call. The idea of not picking up was unknown because there was always the potential that the call could be very, very important. And you couldn’t know until someone answered. Today we pick and choose which calls we want to answer depending on who is calling, where we are, and especially the kind of mood we are in.


Each day of our lives we get a call – not a phone call – a call that is more important than anything else in our lives. It’s the call of Jesus Christ to follow him for that day. Tragically, far too often even Christians choose to not pick up. It is an understatement to say that kind of thinking is a huge mistake.


There is the misunderstanding that Jesus is our personal on call Superman. He is always waiting in the wings to rescue us from an unpleasant situation, but when his services are not needed, he stands patiently, unobtrusively waiting in the wings without bothering us in any way. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The historical Jesus called people to follow him on a daily basis as his disciples. Sounds drastic. It is. Drastically good and beneficial to us.


If lately you’ve turned a deaf ear to Jesus, join us at 10:00 am this Sunday. Picking up his call is the best thing you can do!


Sunday Morning Worship: 10:00 am


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