Sermon Preview

Check out the Pastor’s blog below for a preview (or review) of the topic of our Sunday sermon.

Weekly Messages

Too Much!

Too Much!

For all of history and currently in most of the world, the words “too much” do not describe the living conditions of most people. Much more accurate would be the...

Too Much!

For all of history and currently in most of the world, the words “too much” do not describe the living conditions of most people. Much more accurate would be the...

Little Things Matter

Little Things Matter

It is human nature to put off addressing the little problems in life. But those problems never go away and often become more and more serious the longer they are...

Little Things Matter

It is human nature to put off addressing the little problems in life. But those problems never go away and often become more and more serious the longer they are...

Good News!

Good News!

Good news, there’s something very contagious about it. Good news not only lifts our spirits but also those of the people with whom we share it. Unfortunately, most of the...

Good News!

Good news, there’s something very contagious about it. Good news not only lifts our spirits but also those of the people with whom we share it. Unfortunately, most of the...