Sermon Preview
Check out the Pastor’s blog below for a preview (or review) of the topic of our Sunday sermon.
Weekly Messages
When the Bubble Bursts
Patience is in short supply. None of us are born with it and few develop this admirable quality. It seems like a mystery why a day can be going so...
When the Bubble Bursts
Patience is in short supply. None of us are born with it and few develop this admirable quality. It seems like a mystery why a day can be going so...
Anxiety – Frustration – Irritation – Anger
Were you just a bit anxious this past week, worried about something that happened or might happen in the future? Did the worry turn into frustration? Did you say to...
Anxiety – Frustration – Irritation – Anger
Were you just a bit anxious this past week, worried about something that happened or might happen in the future? Did the worry turn into frustration? Did you say to...
Joy Beats Happiness
Whether we recognize it or not, we are being bombarded with the message that “happiness” is everything. Happiness can mean different things and take on many forms, but the common...
Joy Beats Happiness
Whether we recognize it or not, we are being bombarded with the message that “happiness” is everything. Happiness can mean different things and take on many forms, but the common...
The Prayer List God Always Answers with a “Yes!”
Unanswered prayer is a profound discouragement. We understand that God may have his reasons for not giving us $10 million. But what could possibly be wrong with bringing back a...
The Prayer List God Always Answers with a “Yes!”
Unanswered prayer is a profound discouragement. We understand that God may have his reasons for not giving us $10 million. But what could possibly be wrong with bringing back a...
Caring in a Cold World
It’s an old but timeless story. A young boy runs along the seashore crowded with beached starfish. One by one he gently takes each starfish into his hands, runs as...
Caring in a Cold World
It’s an old but timeless story. A young boy runs along the seashore crowded with beached starfish. One by one he gently takes each starfish into his hands, runs as...
The Freedom Confusion
People may claim that freedom is being able to do what one wants, however, real life demonstrates that the unrestrained pursuit of satisfying our desires leads to a slavery which...
The Freedom Confusion
People may claim that freedom is being able to do what one wants, however, real life demonstrates that the unrestrained pursuit of satisfying our desires leads to a slavery which...